April 19 , 2004
Yeah Man...Its gonna be great! San Diego Chicano Park
We will also be playing a special show that night with Ollin
Saturday April 24
Viper Room
Please help us out!
April 5 , 2004
Saw a cool band the Stella's the other night...Check em out...I did
3 Shows next weekend...Try and catch one...
If I were you I'd go to that Peak Show Party
They are something else
Olvera is all acoustic and all fun...Timballo is hot
CSUN is always the best!
Trust Me! GFP(KSB)
March 32 , 2004
Hey Now. Thanks to all at Belly's. Good Job Lomeli Orchestra and H.G
Check us out this weekend in LA. Details Too Come...Trust Me! Hoo Haa....GF
March 21 , 2004
Check us out at bellys please.
March 10 , 2004
I heard the lobster was raw....Forget about that
I've got some good news...
Two New Shows Added
Wed. 3/17/04 @8p.
St. Patricks Day
Delmenicos in Arcadia
All Acoustic Set
Karaoke to follow
Thur. 4/15/04 (Tax Day)
Sandi E. XI's (No Means No) Art Exhibit Closing Reception
Cal Stat Northridge
Details to Come.
Trust Me!
L. W. S. or L. T. C.
March 8 , 2004
Hey Now! Good Times at OTP. Free BBQ Asada, Pollo & Lobsta...
Thanks to all who made it out..Happy Birthday Allan you old Bastard!
You're so old your social security number is 5
You're so old you fart dust
You're so old Jesus in your damn yearbook
Ha Ha Just Kidding! Happy BDAY!
Big up to Comprehend and Defunct...Good Job...Big up to The Axe and The Robot(AKA Gus and Jerry)
Next Show March 20 a Saturday at 9p Olvera Street...Come Along.
Trust Me!
March 1 , 2004
Hey Now! Two Shows this weekend. Fliers Above.
The derby will be cool (That would be cool!)
The sunday show at old town pub will have gus and gerald playing acoustic Beatles
Trust Me!
February , 2004
Hey Now! Two Shows this weekend. Flier Above.
Free and Refreshments Provided {wink wink}
February 18, 2004
Hey Now! Two Shows this weekend. Yes. Please come out if you can. The Olvera Street Show is all acoustic. We will play our originals and covers. The El Rey Show is a Benefit for rescued animals. Please come out if you can. Oh Yeah...Happy Valentines Day...Oh Yeah!
February 10, 2004
Thanks to all at Little Tokyo...Thanks to Petite Sweets...Thanks to SSC...Thanks to Ab Ab....
HB M.B. (L)
Big Show Tonite at Dragonfly...9.30.p...Check Us..
Many things Comin Up...Check Calendar Above For All Dates...
Next Next Show
Maria's Birthday Bash
Friday @ Pancho's House w/The Emergency Band
Web Site Update Soon (Trust Me)
Its not even that I want to do it, I have to do it!
Much Love
January 27, 2004
Next Show...Little Tokyo....Friday February 6 @ 6pm...Check Us out so we can check you out!!![Ha Ha Ha Just kidding]....See fliers above
January 24, 2004
Good Times Last Night in Downtown...Thank you to all who supported...Website Update soon...New Demo In the works...Much to come..thanks..
January 2003
H.N.Y....Thanks to all for your support...Next Show info Below....
Phatso Live
w/ Defunct and Homegrown
January 17 @ 9pm
4459 Eagle Rock Blvd
(Between York & Ave 45
LA, Ca 90041
323 254 2579
Free Parking
1/2 off Bowling with paid admission
2 More Shows Comin Soon
1/23/04 Grand Ave Sports Bar with Stereotype
2/8/04 Hard Rock Cafe Hollywood Beverly Center
Big Website Update Soon...I mean Big
December 2003
Four Shows Comin up this Month...Details to come...Check out our new pix.
October 2003
Hey Now....Good Times in Silverlake friday night...Smoking Culture is a great band....For me to poop on!....Zen was fun....Yes...This girl made some funny comments to Gus then...I was outside and she came up to me saying...You are in the band...I said yeah..she said...You looked thinner on stage...thanks...left to the Dresden after that...anyhow...Saturday nite in alhambra, bellys west...9:30 start...band shows up and starts playing at 11pm...i think they set there clocks back the wrong way....Good Times...thanks to all those who came out...Next show Nov. 8 at the Garage...Check out the pix from sat show...G....
October 2003
Good Times Last Weekend...3 nights in a row...thanks to all that came out...Those Peak Show Partys are the Bomb...Look for us in November at the Garage...Details to come...G
September 2003
Fun Show Last Friday in Arcadia...Thanks to those who showed...Try and catch us at one of the shows this weekend...We are looking forward to it...
September 2003
Right On!.....Phatso live Sept 26 friday 930 pm at the Cafe 101 in arcadia...Also...many shows to come
September, 2003
Slow Slow Quick Quick Slow...Please come see us thursday...Its a cool spot with good sound...you'll like it...Next Next Show Sept 20 in Westwood...Details to come...GF
July 13, 2003
I got no legs...I got no legs...Ahhh forget it...You see...I did it...I put up pix from our show at the Stardust last saturday with Spoiled...Check Em out...More to come.......J
July 12, 2003
Ummm Hmmm....Fun show last nite at Club 101 (Not Cafe 100 to 1)...thanks to all of those who came out....Zero Proof is sounding awesome check em out sometime...thanks to Neon Venus Crew for showing up and filming us...thanks to the bartender for charging me 7$ for a newcastle and 2 waters....thanks to Los Tumbados for showing up...I'm gonna put up some pix either today or tommorrow....You can bet your bottom dollar on that...Enjoy....J
July 5, 2003
YES....I finally put up a few pics...please check em out..we play tonite with Spoiled at the Stardust...ill take the camera and drop some more by monday....I have no cable....only 2 4 5 7 9 11 13.....damn...all staticy too....gfp
NEWS NEWS NEWS.....With all the money Omar G. has made from Phatso gigs he has bought himself a leather factory....he posed for the mural on his building himself...Anyone looking for a job call the voicemail....also call the voicemail to congradulate him he has always looked forward to working with leather goods....He has however agreed to stay in the band.....This site will eventually feature all of the goods sold at the Omar Leather stores....In other News We play tonite on Union Pacific...wish us luck....More shows and weeb updates to comeGFP
Phatso Rocked Arleta(Pacoima) like only Richie Valens could this past saturday for Jenny's Grad Party...Good Times....Thanks to LT's for comin out....GA put on a vocal onslaught comparable to the great Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden then soberly went on to win 20+ games at the pool table...Congrats Jen....more shows comin soon....GFP
Big up to Los Tumbados and Defunct...Great Show Saturday at Belly's....Tumbados looking for a guitarist if anyone knows anyone....See Us soon in Westwood at the Brewerey with Zero Proof June 27 a friday nite...
May 27
Good Good Show Sunday at club lily's...thanks to all who showed up...Big Up to all the bands...Peizos...Sabor...Spoiled...Flota...Outshined et al...See Us in Alhambra Soon somewhere Between Noodle World and Noodle Planet....Pix Coming Soon....Phatsomusic.com appears to be up...Thinking of the next silly Flier...GFP
May 11
Big Mountain Gig was fun...Thank You to all that came out...Check us out this coming sunday at Club lily's....14 Bands...10$ cover....3pm til ???...should be fun...Ill post the flier soon...Be Patient forthis site...I'm thinking of more to do with it...really I am....GFP
May 20
Ok...Phatso will be playing the Big Mountain Benefit...Details to come...Last show at the Club Lily's Was Hot...Defunked rocked the show....So much smoke...I couldnt see my drink...They say the smoke makes em look more handsome...I say whatever works...Good Job Oscar...More Summer shows and website updates to come....GFP
Sunday April 27
Great show at the Garage...Thanks to Los Creepers for lending us their gear...Thank you to everyone who came it...It was a blast....Next Show Monday May 5 @ Westwood Brew Co...In Westwood....I'm watching simpsons....Washing Laundry at my neighbors....drinking a root beer....See You Monday....Oh Yeah...I have some swell pix from the show...I will put them up this week....fo sheezy ....GFP
Tuesday April 22
Good Show Sat with ZPR and HG....Phatso delited the crowd with their famous 10 song superset ending in the crowd favorite punk classic "Homeless Punk"...Come out Saturday Nite to the Garage and see the famous Go Betty Go and several other Bands..along with us...Phatso...GFP
Friday April 18
Mr. T's show was cancelled...sorry folks...But we are still playing this saturday at Belly's West in Alhambra...Address...1156 W. Valley Blvd Just off the 710 Freeway...also playing Los Tumbados...Homegrown and Zero Proof Remedy...See you there...I'm gonna try and put up some pix or something this weekend...GFP
Wednesday April 16
Cool Show at the WBC last friday...Shout out to Stereotype and Robbie Gennet...Last Sunday Played the office in Lincoln Heights...Fun Spot...1$ Natural Lights and free hot dogs...Good Sets by Klavo and Veladora (Greg's Band)...Two Gigs this weekend Friday at Mr. T's In Highland park and Saturday at Belly's West in Alhambra...See you there...GFP
Sunday April Something
I'm back from vacation...barely know the day let alone the date (I thought today was easter...sorry lord...Hope you like the new look..those are beans from my burrito on the knapkin...NEXT SHOW FRIDAY April 11 at Westwood Brew Co. with Stereotype and Robbie G....WBC is an awesome venue..Its free and the beers are real cheap and real good...come out..the flier is here..WBC FLIER...Look for us soon at a restauraunt near you...GFP
Tuesday March 25
Omars Bash was a great success...Singer Gus forgot to wish him a Happy Birthday (Sorry Omar...Happy Birthday)...Neon Venus rocked a great show and Arkestra Finished up the nite with a great set...Next gig is April 11 at the WBC with Robbie Gennet and Stereotype...please come out.....GFP
Tuesday March 17
OMARS BIRTHDAY BASH THIS FRIDAY AT OTP....Phatso Live with Neon Venus and Arkestra Clandestina....Flier Here...Omar Bash Party ....Honestly...This may be the last time we play the OTP...So If you havent seen us there please come out....Buy Gerald a Beer for Omar's Birthday...He'll Be Drunk Anyway....Please come out, its not everyday Omar Turns 35.....GFP
Monday March 10
PHATSOMUSIC.COM FINALLY BACK UP....Sorry for the Delay...Now you can download all your favorite phatos songs online for free...I really need to put up more pictures and stuff...our next gig is at OTP with Neon Venus and Arkestra...Looking forward to it...This Past Friday we played the pub for Monique's Birthday Party along with NO ID and Zero Proof....NO ID rocked the house doing classics such as "The Trooper" and "Search and Destroy"...ZP pulled off their first gig with ease and sounded and looked great...We will be playing with them again soon...Alright Lomeli!....Sunday we played the OTP for Art Jong's Farewell Party...It started and 2pm and was jam packed til well past 8pm....Phats hit the stage at 9pm and rocked the house Texas style with the same set they played the nite before (right on Omar)....Later that nite members of phatso jammed out with John Avila and Johnny Vatos of C.I.D. (Former Oingo Boingo Players)....We also jammed with Scott Hildabrandt....and some guy in a suit told gus to get off the stage...It was very nice...I was not drunk ;)....Thank You all...H B 2 M G P. I L Y ... GFP
Wednesday February 26
Tight Show last friday with Los T's and Infinite and Orgullo C. The place looked like Norms or Denny's but with a bar and pool tables...I swear...the drinks were strong and the sound and stage were cool...thanks to all who came...still working on phatso.com...those bastards at the hosting company wont get back to me...anyhow...changed the main page a bit....yeah the red in the phatso and the red in the text are not the same....im working on demo's to send out to get new gigs....i also bootlegged a bunch of Klavo CD's so if anyone is interested let me know...GFP....ps...we play friday...at the coconut teaser in hollwood......the flier is here---THEFLIERFORMARCH1,2003COCONUTTEASER
Tueday February 11
Good Show Friday at WBC...Thanks to Stereotype and Klavo...Omar Set jumped during klavo's set to play both congas and bass (at the same time)...we were asked back and will be playing westwood sometime in april...no free food this time but they are working on it for the next...working on new fliers for upcoming shows...have one for our Cocunut Teaser show March 1...will be posted soon...also will put up a gallery of old "best" fliers...youll like it...back to work....promise to change main photo...soon
Tueday February 4
Site Still Half Down...Busy Busy Busy....Come see us this friday....you will have a good time....you can take that to the bank....saturday at Self Help Graphics with Sabor and Slowrider and others was dope....big thanks to sabor and good luck with the recording....
Sunday January 19
Yes I know...The Site is half down...I will try and bring it back up tonite....Please Check in Again Soon...Today I'm at work...Omar is Hung Over...Mando is nowhere to be found and Gus is reminiscing of his days as a carnivore...
Thursday January 9
Westwood Legends Stereotype Confirmed to Play with Phatso February 7 @ WBC. Guitarist Gerald begins training for the SB Spring Basketball League....and vows never to look at the camera when his picture is being taken.
Tuesday January 7
Phatso Lands a Friday February 7 gig at the Westwood Brewing Company....Also Phatso to play Friday March 21 for Omar's Birthday. Other shows....Feb 1 @ Self Help Grafics with Slowrider & Sabor Factory and others, Feb 21 at Westchester Sports Bar & Grille with Los Tumbados & Infinito....I will update the tour section soon. Lookout for Phatso guitarist Jerry and Long time friend Richard to play a special acoustic show with special guests at the OTP in Late January.
Sunday January 5, 4pm
Great Fun At Belly's West In Alhambra Last Nite. Defunct Rocked the crowd like only they can. Then Phatso hit the stage with drunken shamelessness. The crowd maintained til well past 1am as P. played their legendary 20 song super set. Omar Sosa (Scarface) broke one of his 2 year old bass strings and later that nite someone in the crowd was kind enough to knife the other three (thank you). Singer Gus A. called for one of the crowd favorite instrumentals "Pick Pocket" so he could go outside to the bushes. Special Guest Larry From Klavo percussioned the hell out of the crowd as he dropped his contraption kit bag on the floor knocking over Mando's Cymbals and unplugging a few of yours truely's cables (I am G.). During a song I felt it was cute and clever to shoe him in the ass for a comment he made to my brother in law (Danny) at our New Years party "Dude, You suck as a DJ". We Love Klavo and they love Us. When it was all said and done Omar ran off with Mando's Drums and the cash, Gus ended up at an all nite party that I had to pick him up from today at 2pm and Mando and I ended up at Carl's Jr. Because the line at Jacks was too damn long. Thank You to All who showed up........PS..Get your silly little hands on a Defunked cd....they sound awesome.....Also...keep your eyes out for a new Phatso bumber sticker...Im working on it as we speak........and NO I am not drinking as I write this.........G. from P.
Copyright © PHATSO 2003